Vehicle Inspections - Davies and Gray Vehicle Assessors

We offer an
extensive range
of vehicle reporting
& claim services

Our Services

Davies & Gray offers a variety of services which range from desktop image reports and standard accident damage inspections, all the way through to CPR Part 35 forensic reports. As the following list is not exhausted, please feel free to call our office about other services. We are real people who have extensive technical knowledge and an excellent understanding of the industry.

Accident Damage Inspections

We are able to receive our instructions by email, via this website or telephone and endeavour to inspect all vehicles within 48 hours. We then forward the completed report 24 hours thereafter. All our reports are Association of British Insurers and CPR Part 35 compliant. Our report includes:

  • Area and direction of impact
  • Details of recovery and storage charges
  • Itemised repair costs
  • MIAFTR category (if a total loss)
  • Relevant valuations
  • Method and fair repair times
  • Temporary repair details (if un-roadworthy)

Our report includes all the information you require to successfully process, or conclude, a claim. We fully understand we may be required to assist you at a later stage.

£95.00 - £165.00 +VAT

Accident Damage Image Reports

When inspection cost, speed and Covid-19 is a contributing factor

With the improvement of technology, desktop image reports have become more popular due to their swift turnaround, reduced fee, and lack of physical contact. Three years ago, desktop reports accounted for approximately 5% of our workload, now they equate to 90% or more. Using the latest Glass’s Repair Estimate & Thatcham Escribe Methods, our dedicated team of in-house Engineers can compile a desktop report within hours of receiving images of the damaged vehicle. They can receive those images via email, WhatsApp (07513 311 326) or through this website. Remembering that further images can always be requested from the repairer if additional damage is uncovered or queries arise. The standard fee for a desktop report is £100.00 +VAT, however dependant on the volume, we can provide them for as little as £60.00 +VAT. Please feel free to contact our office to find out more.

£60.00 - £100.00 +VAT

Roadworthy Safety Inspections

Insurance companies and local authorities often require a Roadworthy Report before they will reinsure the vehicle or allow it back on the road after accident damage repairs and/or the vehicle has been a previous Total Loss (written-off). They are not particularly bothered about the finer detail of the cosmetic look, but they do want to ensure that the vehicle is safe and that no occupants in the vehicle, or any road-user, will come to harm because of the repair. Please check with your insurance company to see if they require one.

£120.00 +VAT
(£144.00 inclusive)

Category C D N S Vehicle Inspections

Insurance companies and local authorities often require a Roadworthy Report before they will reinsure the vehicle or allow it back on the road as a private hire / taxi after accident damage repairs and/or the vehicle has been a previous Total Loss (write-off). They are not particularly bothered about the finer detail of the cosmetic look, but they do want to ensure that the vehicle is safe and that no occupants in the vehicle, or any road-user, will come to harm because of the repair. Please check with your insurance company or local authority to see if they require one.

£120.00 +VAT
(£144.00 inclusive)

Category C D N Motorcycle Inspections

Insurance companies often require a Roadworthy Report before they will reinsure the motorcycle or allow it back on the road after accident damage repairs and/or the motorcycle has been a previous Total Loss (write-off). They are not particularly bothered about the finer detail of the cosmetic look, but they do want to ensure that the motorcycle is safe and that no-one on the motorcycle, or any road-user, will come to harm because of the repair. Please check with your insurance company or local authority to see if they require one.

£120.00 +VAT
(£144.00 inclusive)

Post Repair Inspections

We complete this type of vehicle inspection to satisfy the vehicle owner and give them peace of mind that their vehicle has been repaired correctly. If the repair is unsatisfactory, our report can be used as a ‘snagging list’ in preparation for the rectification work. You should be reimbursed with our fee by the repairing garage or your insurer, if any faults are found.

£195.00 - £350.00 +VAT

Specialist & Expert Inspections

These vehicle inspections can vary massively. One day we might inspect a vehicle to assess if the vehicle has been damaged in one or two impacts, another day we can be inspecting a vehicle to see if a brake failure or component failure has caused an accident. In brief, no two days or vehicle inspections are the same.

£245.00 - £500.00 +VAT

Consistency of Damage

Davies & Gray are able to compile a 'forensic consistency of impact report' which will confirm the following:

  • Exaggerated Claim
  • Pre-existing damage
  • Circumstance validation
  • Witness validation

Advice Notes are short report compiled from information provided by you. Our engineer will study any images, accident damage reports or witness statements and advise you accordingly. The engineer may advise that a full report should be compiled, or he may advise that no action is taken. Davies & Gray understands that everybody wants a transparent fee structure with no hidden costs. Any scenarios that do not fit these examples will be charged on a 'pro-rata basis', meaning you will never receive any unexpected costs.

Advice Note
(£95.00 +VAT)
You will receive a non-disclosure advice note prepared using information provided by you (images, accident damage reports, witness statements, etc.). It will briefly discuss damage consistency and/or any suspicions or anomalies.
Forensic Desktop
(£395.00 +VAT)
This is for a full CPR Part 35 Forensic desktop report which will be compiled using information provided by you (images of all vehicles, accident damage reports, witness statements, etc.). You may or may not have had an advice note prior to this report.

Should either or both vehicles require a physical inspection, you will need to email or call our office for an informal chat.

Ongoing work is charged at £85.00 +VAT (per hour)

Valuations & Disputes

Have you received a settlement offer for your stolen or written off vehicle which you are unsure about or unhappy with? Even though many insurance companies are very fair with their settlement offers this doesn't mean they don't make mistakes. If the vehicle is still available for inspection, irrespective of whether it is damaged or not, we can inspect the vehicle and ascertain its pre-accident condition and value. And if we can substantiate our valuation, your insurers should settle at the correct figure. If the vehicle is not available for inspection this makes things slightly more difficult, however you have to remember it isn't what the vehicle cost or what it was worth, it is how much it will cost to replace it.

  • Valuation for insurance
  • Valuation to sell the vehicle
  • Valuation for bank or finance purposes

Valuations cost from £195.00 to £395.00 +VAT depending on how involved they become. The insurers should reimburse you with our fee if an incorrect valuation can be proved.

from £195.00 to £395.00 +VAT

Diminution in Value

This is basically the diminished value of your vehicle after it has been accident damaged and repaired. Older vehicles or vehicles with minimal damage may not qualify. In general, diminution claims can only be considered in non-fault accidents. We will happily advise you on the likelihood of success prior to the inspection of the vehicle.

from £295.00 +VAT
(£354.00 inclusive)

Unlisted Work

Davies & Gray understands that everybody wants a transparent fee structure with no hidden costs. Any scenarios that do not fit these examples will be charged on a 'pro-rata basis', meaning you will never receive any unexpected charges.

Unlisted work is charged at £85.00 P/H +VAT
(£102.00 inclusive)